Monday, November 28, 2011

0 Thanksgiving leftovers...tired of Turkey Sandwiches?

I love having turkey sandwiches after Thanksgiving. Sometimes I make them with just butter, salt and turkey, other times I add mayo, wasabi mayo, maybe some stuffing, and even cranberry sauce – but how many sandwiches can you eat? Or, how much meat do you have leftover? And if you're like me and most of my friends & family you also don't eat dark meat. So, just what do you do with the dark meat and the other stuff?

Well, I make Turkey Pot Pie which uses nearly everything leftover and then I boil the bones up and make Turkey Soup. After all, this turkey gave it's life for us, so I think that we should eat as much of it as possible. Pot pie and soup are also a great way to “hide” dark meat, I usually use about 2/3 white and 1/3 dark in the pot pie and about 2/3 dark and 1/3 white in the soup. This year I had almost no white meat left, so I also made a batch of dog food with the excess dark meat.

Now, I don't really have a recipe for either of these so you'll have to bear with me. I really do throw most of my leftovers into the pot pie – but I don't know what you cook for Thanksgiving dinner so I'll try to give you an idea of what goes into mine and you can try putting your leftovers in yours – taste it and tell me all about it.

Some things that I've put into the pot pie are: turkey, stuffing, creamed onions, carrots, peas, gravy, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, broccoli, pickled red cabbage and asparagus. I will say right now – this is not a healthy meal, but it is certainly delicious. Ok, here's an attempt at a recipe...

Turkey Pot Pie
2 times pie crust recipe*
4-6 c turkey cut into bite size pieces
1- ½ c gravy
2 carrots, sliced thin or 1 c carrots
½ c onions sliced thin or creamed onions
1-2 c green bean casserole
1 c stuffing
1 c evaporated milk or cream
1-2 Tbl butter
1 c water

In a large pot combine turkey, gravy, carrots, onions, green bean casserole, stuffing, milk, butter and water. Heat over a medium flame, stirring occasionally – the consistency should be fairly thick, if it's not then make a slurry with about half a cup water and a heaping tablespoon flour and add it to the mixture, simmer until it thickens. Line a 13x16x3 roasting pan with the pie crust, pour contents into pan. Cover with the remainder of the crust and bake at 425 degrees for about an hour.

Now, I've used leftover mashed potatoes in the mixture, and I've also used them on top – kind of like a Shepherd's Pie.  You also don't have to make a pie this large - you can make smaller ones in regular pie plates or in ramekins - you can even freeze them before they're baked and cook them later – so get creative.

Pie Crust Recipe – *double this recipe for a 13x16x3 pot pie
1 1/3 c flour
½ tsp salt
½ c vegetable shortening
3 Tbl water

Sift flour before measuring. Combine flour & salt. Cut in shortening (you can use a pastry cutter if you have one, but a fork works just as well). Sprinkle with water. Work into dough. Using a rolling pin roll out to a thin crust.

I'm not sure how many people this serves – I'm sure that it should serve at least 8 people, but I don't think I've ever gotten that many servings out of it because everyone likes it so much.

The ingredients in the turkey soup don't change much from year to year, but of course the quantity of turkey does – just try to keep it all in proportion, or at least the way you like your soup. Pick as much meat off of the bones as you can – I usually throw the legs in whole, it's not worth the effort to pick the meat off of them until after they're boiled. Also, if you're like me and you don't eat the skin – throw that into the pot too, it will help flavor the broth.

Turkey Soup
2-4 c turkey
1 c celery, diced
1 c carrots, sliced or diced
¼ c onion, chopped
½ c green beans (optional)
½ c stuffing (optional)
¾ c barley
2 tsp salt
½ tsp poultry seasoning
1-2 bay leaves
pepper, to taste

Put the turkey carcass (and skin) into a very large pot, cover with water, boil for about 30 minutes. Remove from heat. Remove bones, set aside to cool, remove skin and discard. While the bones are cooling, add remaining ingredients to the pot and simmer. After the bones have cooled, pick off what meat you can (only what looks appetizing, if it looks tough or grizzly throw it away), discard bones. Add this meat to your soup, cook until the carrots are tender – serve hot.

Good luck and remember these are just guidelines – get creative and enjoy yourself.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

0 Home made cranberry sauce vs Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce

Well, I had hoped to do a lot more Thanksgiving recipes, however since I got behind schedule when I moved and didn't get articles written every 2-3 days this will be the last of the Thanksgiving recipes this year.  But I will continue to do other “Holiday” recipes throughout the rest of this year.

If you haven't made or eaten homemade cranberry sauce, you don't know what you're missing!  It has so much more flavor and since you can adjust the sugar you can make it as tart or as sweet as you like. I prefer a more tart flavor, but realize that most people like a more sweet sauce – this recipe to me has an in between sweetness – if you like a more tart taste, start with ¾ cup sugar and taste it, adding sugar as you go. If you like it sweet, start with 1 cup and add more a ¼ cup at a time.

Now I also like a sauce with whole berries in it. So, I withhold about a cup of berries – the recipe calls for withholding a ½ cup of berries. Again, adjust this as you like it. If you like a less berry texture, put all the berries in at the same time – they will almost all burst and it well end up more “saucy”.

If you want to get more fancy – you can add chopped pecans or walnuts to this recipe too. I've done it in the past and it is good – but I prefer it without the nuts.

Home made cranberry sauce
1 12 oz bag cranberries, withhold ½ cup
1 c sugar
1/3 c water or orange juice
½ c chopped walnuts or pecans (optional)
1-2 strips of orange zest (optional)
½ tsp cinnamon (optional)
¼ tsp nutmeg (optional)

Empty most of the bag of cranberries into med size pot. Add water, sugar, spices, nuts and zest. Stir to blend, bring to boil over med-high heat until most of the cranberries burst, about 10 minutes. Reduce heat to low and add the remainder of the cranberries, cook another 5-10 minutes. Cool to room temperature and serve.

Price for plain home made cranberry sauce (no spice or nuts): 8 servings/$3.16 or .40 cents per serving
Price for Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce: 6 servings/$2.25 or .38 cents per serving

Ingredients for home made cranberry sauce: cranberries, sugar, water
Ingredients for Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce: cranberries, high fructose corn syrup, water, corn syrup

Preparation time for home made: About 15-20 minutes
Preparation time for Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce: 1 minute to open can and pour

O.k., it costs slightly more to make home made, by about .02 cents per serving and takes you about an extra 15 minutes. But once you make it, you'll never go back to canned, and no HFCS...

Nutritional Data for home made cranberry sauce
Calories 211
Total Fat 0 g
    Saturated Fat 0 g
    Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 0 g
Sodium 3 mg
Total Carbohydrates 45 g
    Dietary Fiber 9 g
    Sugars 22 g
Protein 9 g
Vitamin A 0%
Vitamin C 0%
Calcium 5%
Iron 10%

Nutritional Data for Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce
Calories 110
Total Fat 0 g
    Saturated Fat 0 g
    Trans Fat 0 g
Sodium 10 mg
Total Carbohydrates 25 g
    Dietary Fiber <1 g
    Sugars 21 g
Protein 0 g

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0 This Cinnamon Streusel Bundt Cake is Great For Dessert, Brunch, Or Visiting With Friends Over Coffee

This Cinnamon Streusel Bundt Cake is Great For Dessert, Brunch, Or Visiting With Friends Over Coffee. Any occasion, Bundt cakes cinnamon streusel this should be a hit. To visit while drinking coffee and slice of cake just the fancy brunch, this cake would be better for you. It is delicious and easy, when you burn the cinnamon, I'm not sure how to make the house smell! Delicious!

Cinnamon coffee cake BUNDT push diesel Troy

1 yellow cake mix for normal size
1 PKG (4 serving size) instant vanilla pudding mix
2 tablespoons of the canola oil
Wed 1 / 3 cup
2 eggs


All-purpose flour 1 / 2 cup
1 / 2 cup packed brown sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
2 tablespoons melted butter,

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Tube pan or bundt pan of grease and flour 10-inch and set aside.

The large mixing bowl, cake mix until well blended, pudding mix, oil, water, eggs and blend. 2 minutes, beat with electric mixer on medium speed. Spread the batter into prepared pan 3/4of. Combine streusel ingredients together well in a small bowl. Sprinkle with 2 / 3 cup of the mixture over batter in pan. Streusel over, spread the remaining batter. Sprinkle with remaining streusel over the batter. Up to 375 degrees Bake for 40 to 50 minutes, out of which about XDarwin wooden pick inserted near the center of the cake or. For 25 minutes on the pan, cool on the right. If necessary, remove the cake from pan and drizzle glaze over.

Glaze: Blend 3 / 4 cup of powdered sugar and about 1 cup of milk until smooth. Drizzle over the cake to be able to run down the sides.

Note: The use of apple juice and apple fall and winter season instead of milk for a subtle apple flavor.
More delicious cake recipes, more cake ideas

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

0 Sour Cream, Butter and Lemon Pound Cake - Cake Recipes

Sour Cream, Butter and Lemon Pound Cake. This sour cream, lemon pound cake recipe with butter and go a couple of generations back. It is a traditional sour cream was my husband's grandmother's recipe for lemon pound cake with butter. It taught me how to make my mother-in-law. It would be almost everyone can do it easy way. (She has it in her "the pound cake in a single step." Nickname) and a cake that tastes good, this is a reliable show stopper! This cake is to provide a lot of people from around the world, and they all praised it, is that it is addicted to the taste.

I have an interesting story you want to introduce this cake.

. "Folk McGourty" major incident, it happened that happened and I became part of a month or so before my husband was married - I'm still "know" my future When you get a family.

One day, I was preparing for Aptos wedding in our future Mission Santa Cruz, California, during his stay with his parents, household cleaning and I'm helping the mother's husband. While she was busy making something for dinner, I had finished the housework. She noticed that we need to make quick trips to the grocery store for some ingredients for dinner that night. As she was leaving the house, she told me "You are the only way you can trust for Susie to take care of on my cake, remove the cake when the timer goes off Please. "

My father never seemed to crack a smile and was very intimidating to me at the time, his best friend (and brother-in-law) was sitting on the kitchen table talking with Uncle Jack. What I had to quit what I was waiting to fall by a timer. I get a hot pad, open the oven door, the timer rang. I saw there a tube cake pan that looks like a angel food cake. I asked my father where you can quickly find the empty Coke bottle. He looked at me confused I asked what you need a bottle of cola? (They are angel food cake while the standard for cool) I said "it must be reversed and angel food cake in the oven there," he said. So he beckoned me towards the pantry.

In the pantry, I'm very old, and found a dusty bottle of cola. So I grabbed it and wash it immediately invert the cake heavy on the neck of the bottle. His mother is going to be my husband now was a great cook, she is his mother so I can try that might make an angel food cake could not just were reported. This cake, "weight" I'm an angel food cake from it and I definitely think not! Then I got my fiance and his brother began to leave the kitchen to go to see what was doing in the game room.

All of a sudden, there was a huge boom van crash behind me. I looked around and a big ear to ear "bunny rabbit smile and laugh," his face like a cake to look in my father and Uncle Jack, the bottle is reduced all over the floor and counters, were divided. Then I heard running feet. They are husband and his brother picked up my future rest on the floor, so I sampled a piece of cake fell on the counter, looked with horror.

"Oh my god," I cried! We have spoiled put it back together! No, I'm making a new one! "The type of angel food cake, what is it?" It was not an angel food cake - far away from there! It was this treasured recipe of his grandmother's pound cake! Boy! Shame I've ever had! "

However, the "pound cake incident" had one good thing about. It broke the ice and really my father's law. It's just me that he "test me" and I was trying to come up with a way see how rough and take from him. He was a softy deep down really.

You'll love this cake! - It is so reliable! No prima donna like cheesecake! Friends and family will love it! It has provided at least 10 people 15 people. Your "cookie tin" is that if we continue'll keep for weeks refrigerated. It was out with the most delicious coffee and tea.

This cake tastes made a day or two before serving to intensify the taste of the best.

Preparation time: 30 minutes Cooking time: 1 hour 10 minutes, do 10 servings.

Foodstuffs. (For best results all ingredients are at room temperature should have.)

1 cup softened unsalted butter
2 cups sugar
Extra large eggs lightly beaten 3,
2-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
January 4 teaspoon salt
2 / 1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup lemon peel (grated lemon peel, a generous amount).
Vanilla extract 1 cup (generous)
January 2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 cup sour cream
Dust and powdered sugar for presentation,

How to get ready.

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. The oven rack must be in the upper half of the oven.
Combine ingredients in a large mixer bowl in the order of ingredients.
To obtain well distributed throughout all the components of the mixture scraping the bottom of the bowl, blending well.
Set a timer and beat the mixture on medium speed for 3 minutes. Scrape well to confirm that you have all the ingredients are evenly combined.
Greased (with Crisco) floured tube pan and pour.
Touched lightly in center of grill, or until cake springs back 60-70 minutes at 325.
Cool the cake upright in pan 15 minutes.
After cooling for 15 minutes, as well as a thin knife carefully to the periphery of the tube pan, run around the inner tube itself. Counter pan with plastic wrap several times. Then invert the cake cooling rack for complete cooling.
Cake, if the room temperature, lightly sprinkle some powdered sugar on the cake for presentation.
To provide a place on the plate again for the final placement on the plate cooking, invert the cake on a plate with another one.
Shop for "cookie tin."

boys birthday cake
More cake recipes

Monday, November 21, 2011

0 Home made stuffing vs Stove Top Stuffing

I can't imagine Thanksgiving without stuffing. I've spent many years living in the south and have eaten a lot of cornbread stuffing, but still prefer my traditional “Yankee” white-bread stuffing. It's another thing that is incredibly easy to make – although it will probably set you back a little more than a single box of Stove Top, it also tastes a whole lot better and serves more people.

This is my mother's recipe, with a small twist, I like mushrooms and usually add about half of a 8 oz package to my stuffing. Sometimes I also take some of the “innards” or giblets, cook them up in a small pot with water and cut them up into fine pieces and add them to the stuffing – but I only use the heart and neck meat – not the kidneys and liver, I give those to the dogs so they have a holiday treat too. If you boil the giblets – either to add to the stuffing or to feed your pets, you can use the liquid from this instead of buying broth for the stuffing.

I usually buy and open the loaf of bread about 3-4 days before to let it get stale, if you don't do this then place bread on a cookie sheet in a 300 degree oven for about 10 minutes or until it's dry but not browned/toasted. I take about half of the loaf and trim the crust off, I also throw away the heels – you don't have to do this, it is a little wasteful but I just like the texture better.

Home made stuffing
½ c butter
2 c celery, chopped
1 lg onion, chopped
4 oz mushrooms, chopped (optional)
1 loaf cheap white bread, torn into small pieces or cut into cubes
½ – 1 c chicken, turkey or vegetable broth
1 egg, beaten
1 tsp poultry seasoning
½ tsp salt
½ tsp pepper

Melt the butter in a large skillet over med heat. Add the celery, onions and mushrooms, saute, add seasonings, saute until the onions are transparent. Put the bread into a large bowl, pour in the cooked onion/celery mixture, mix together. Mix in the egg, add broth a little at a time – use only enough to make the mixture moist, so that it holds together, but not so much that it's like a dough. Either stuff the turkey with the mixture and proceed to roast your turkey or put it into a greased baking dish and bake for about 45 minutes at 350 degrees. I usually stuff the turkey and put the extra into a small casserole dish and bake it separately.


Price for home made stuffing: About $5.00 for the recipe/16 servings or .31 cents per serving
Price for Stove Top stuffing: $2.98 for a box/6 servings or about .50 cents per serving

Ingredients for home made stuffing: bread, butter, celery, onion, mushrooms, egg, broth, salt, pepper, poultry seasoning (parsley, rosemary, thyme)

Ingredients for Stove Top stuffing: Enriched wheat flour, high fructose corn syrup, dried onions, salt, partially hydrogenated soybean or cottonseed oil, hydrolyzed soy protein, turkey broth, yeast, dried celery, dried parsley, maltodextrin, spice, caramel color, sugar, turmeric, disodium guanylate, disodium inosinate, BHA, BHT, citric acid, and propyl gallate.

Preparation time for home made: About 15-20 minutes, plus baking time
Preparation time for Stove Top: 5 minutes

So, it's a little more than half the price to make it yourself. It will require about 20 minutes of your time to cut, saute and mix the ingredients. You will NOT be consuming HFCS, oils and chemicals that are not necessary.

Nutritional Data for home made stuffing
Calories 158
Total Fat 7 g
    Saturated Fat 4 g
    Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 28 mg
Sodium 308 mg
Total Carbohydrates 20 g
    Dietary Fiber 1 g
    Sugars 3 g
Protein 4 g
Vitamin A 5%
Vitamin C 3%
Calcium 6%
Iron 9%

Nutritional Data for Stove Top Stuffing
Calories 160
Total Fat 1 g*
    Saturated Fat 0 g*
    Trans Fat 0 g*
Cholesterol 0 g*
Sodium 440 mg*
Total Carbohydrates 21 g*
    Dietary Fiber <1 g*
    Sugars 2 g*
Protein 3 g*
Vitamin A 8%
Vitamin C 0%
Calcium 0%
Iron 6%

*Data for mix only, not for prepared stuffing – meaning without the butter or margarine that you need to use when cooking the Stove Top stuffing

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

2 5 Ideas for Boys Birthday Cakes-

5 Ideas for Boys Birthday Cakes. So here is a decisive move to the list of the top five most popular cake designs and ideas in search of a birthday cake for a little boy on the Internet.

1. Mickey Mouse

This is a classic, the number of search, people search through the Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake 1000 every month in the UK, to go on even if nothing is going strong. It is this mouse adult we have it now everywhere little ones of our own and now was a little not going was a popular choice when it looks crazy to Mickey in the same way it seems that it is not .

2. In the Night Garden Piggle and abet the

Than boys to choose this one I feel probably more mothers Secondly, there is very popular in the garden at night. In particular, the goad Piggle cake is more than 700 searches per month and demand.

3. Toy Story

Third of our top five, most adults each month, so look forward to the cake with Buzz and Woody find about 600.

4. Fireman Sam

This one took a little me by surprise, I have just under 600 searches seem to have much of a firefighter killed firefighters are always popular among children I.

5. Football

Surprises, football birthday cake, the boys are not mainstream, has requested some point in their early years of the time. This is obtained by searching only 400 a month.

Yes, boys birthday cake in the top five searches on the Internet, because it has stuck to his birthday and you come up with an idea, if you have already tried all the above five select one If not, they are not, since most likely to put a smile on their face with a small, popular.

Football Birthday Cake

Saturday, November 19, 2011

0 Home made gravy vs Bottled Gravy & Dry Gravy Mix

It's the start of the holidays and I'll spend the rest of the year talking about different foods that we cook during the holiday season. I'm starting with gravy, primarily because it's one of those things that people waste a lot of money on, kind of like the rubs, marinades and premixed spices. Now, don't get me wrong gravy is far from healthy, whether it's from a mix or from scratch. However, I still believe making it from scratch is better for you, it's certainly cheaper, its very simple and easy to make. Advertisers have convinced people that they can't make gravy and if they do make it from scratch, it will be lumpy. Well, in all the years I've been cooking, about 30 years, I've never made lumpy gravy and I don't think you will either.

The easiest gravy to make is when you have meat drippings but if you don't have drippings you can still make home made gravy.

Home made gravy
1 - 1 1/2 c water (depending on how much gravy you need)
meat drippings
1 Tbl flour
1-2 tsp corn or potato starch (if you've added extra water)
dash of salt and pepper

Mix the flour, starch (if you don't have the starch just increase the flour by a tablespoon), salt and pepper together. Put into a glass jar that you have a lid for. Add water, put lid on and shake. If you don't have a glass jar, use a 4 cup measuring cup and stir vigorously with a fork. *If you've roasted meat and the drippings are still in the roasting pan, remove meat, place the roasting pan on the top of the stove, over low to medium-low heat, add the flour mixture to the pan. Stir continually with the fork until well mixed, raise heat to medium to medium-high stirring continually, gravy should the bubbling. When well mixed and thickened, remove from heat and serve.

*If you don't have drippings it's a little more complicated. You want to put even amounts of butter and olive oil in a frying pan, about 2-3 Tbl of each. Add a little chopped onion, garlic and carrot (about 2 Tbl of the onions and carrots, 1-2 cloves of garlic) to the pan and saute until onions begin to brown. Strain vegetables from the pan and then proceed as above.

I like to add about ¼ cup of wine to my gravy too – add it before you put in the flour/water mixture, it will deglaze the pan, removing bits of burned meat, fat and veggies from the pan and it adds a nice flavor to your gravy. Try a dry white, like a chardonnay, with turkey or chicken, use a burgundy or merlot with pork or beef.


Price of home made gravy: about .08 cents, unless you add wine – then maybe .40 cents
Price of McCormicks dry gravy mix: $2.19
Price of Heinz Homestyle Gravy: $1.79

Ingredient in home made gravy: Water, meat drippings - fat (or butter and oil), flour, corn or potato starch, salt and pepper – presumably you've also flavored your meat with garlic, onion, parsley, etc.

Ingredients in McCormicks dry gravy mix: Flour, wheat starch, beef fat, hydrolyzed soy, wheat and corn protein, onion, caramel color, corn syrup solids, sodium caseinate, garlic, wheat protein, disodium inosinate and disodium guanylate, extractives of paprika, yeast extract and citric acid

Ingredients in Heinz Homestyle Gravy: Beef stock, water, modified cornstarch, modified wheat flour, beef fat, butter, hydrolyzed soy protein, soy sauce, caramel color, whey powder, yeast extract, corn maltodextrin, sugar, dextrose, garlic powder, soy lecithin, disodium inosinate, disodium guanylate, onion powder, natural flavoring, cornstarch, black pepper, soybean oil, milk

Preparation time for home made gravy: About 5 minutes
Preparation time for McCormicks dry gravy mix: About 5 minutes
Preparation time for Heinz Homestyle Gravy: About 3-5 minutes

Ok, well it seems that they all take the same amount of time to make. Home made costs between $1.71 and $2.11 less to make. You can always add a little milk, as McCormick and Heinz have done if you want to. Anyway, you won't be consuming all of that salt, hidden salts (soy sauce and disodiums), sugar and hidden sugar (dextrose, maltodextrin, etc) that's in the mixes – you also won't be eating all of those chemicals either. Give it a try, it's really not that hard to do.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

0 How to Make a Yummy Chocolate Spice Cake - Spice Cake Recipes

How to Make a Yummy Chocolate Spice Cake - Spice Cake Recipes ?
If you love chocolate cake, one can not have a recipe for chocolate cake should be too much to add spice to this chocolate cake recipe in the collection as not. This cake has a different spice reason - without being overwhelming enough, something special to it. Amaze your family and friends in this other chocolate cake. Whether it's to give away your secrets for this delicious cake is up to you. We do what it contains spices, tell us that it is wet because of the apple sauce! This cake is just as delicious sheet cake or frosted glass-like Bundt cake.

Chocolate Spice Cake

1 3 / 4 cups, unsifted all general-purpose flour
Sugar 1 3 / 4 cup
1 / 3 cup cocoa
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1 / 2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 / 4 teaspoon allspice
8 / 1 tsp salt
1 1 / 2 cup applesauce
Milk 1 / 2 cup
1 / 2 cup melted butter,
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Raisins 1 / 2 cup
1 cup chopped nuts, optional
Vanilla Glaze

The large mixing bowl, flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, salt combine. Applesauce, milk, butter, stir in the vanilla extract and combine completely. If necessary, add the raisins and nuts.

Pour the dough in the baking pan OR 9 × 13 9 Inch Kappubundo the grease and floured. If you are using a bundt pan 55-60 minutes and bake at 350 degrees. If you are using to bake bread for elliptical 40-45 minutes, will be out about XDarwin wooden toothpick inserted in the center thereof. Cool 15 minutes, remove from the bundt pan and cool on wire rack. Leave a slender cake pan.

Bundt cake glaze a rectangular cake and frost, such as hope and vanilla glaze.

Vanilla, the glaze:

1 tbsp butter, softened
1 cup powdered sugar
1 / 2 teaspoon vanilla
1-2 tablespoons milk

Butter, powdered sugar, vanilla combine. Glaze, gradually add the milk until smooth and of desired consistency. Sprinkle on the Bundt CA

more delicious dessert recipes

Saturday, November 12, 2011

0 Special Rum Cake Ideas

To run the cake is very easy, is considered a gourmet delight. However, you can enjoy the taste of everyone. However, those who are addicted to rum cake, to develop a taste for true love.

Can be easily prepared at home and rum cake. There are several shops that offer various types of rum cake. Almonds, bundt cake apple rum, apricot, autumn rum cake, banana cake Bacardi rum cakes Bananaramu sake, banana rum fudge cake, black rum cake, rum, Canada cakes and coconut rum drink wine and chocolate cake chocolate chip rum cake has an almost infinite variety of things.

The basic ingredients used in the manufacture of a simple rum cake, yellow cake mix, instant vanilla pudding, oil, water, rum, eggs, chopped pecans, butter, cream cheese and sugar. In order to prepare a rum cake, rum, water, combine the cake mix with pudding and oil, then you must add the eggs. The cake must be baked at 325 ° F about 40 minutes to half an hour. And one cooking glaze should be poured over the cake as it is done immediately. Then it is cooled cake can be provided.

Is associated with a rum cake dessert recipes often closely Caribbean. Rum cake or black cake is the traditional choice for all major celebrations in this part of the world. In fact, Caribbean weddings, baptisms and Christmas celebrations are not complete without the famous rum cake dense and moist. Caribbean rum cakes, in many cases has been mixed a lot of rum. Here, rum cake, offers a wide variety of icing to your liking. Some of them are easily available in other parts of the world in unique and exotic.

More information about cake ideas

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

0 Simple And Easy Black Forest Cupcakes Recipe

Easy Black Forest CupcakesSimple And Easy Black Forest Cupcakes

Black Forest Cupcakes Recipes:

1 pkg chocolate cake mix
1 can cherry pie filling
Philadelphia cream cheese 1 (250 g) package (tender)
Whipping cream (thawed) 1 1 / 2 cup
1 egg
2 tablespoons of sugar

Prepare the chocolate cake batter as directed on box. Aside, and set it. In a bowl until well blended them, cream cheese, sugar, egg and mix together. Remove 3 / 4 cup cherry pie filling, is used as a garnish - leave it aside. Spoon about 2 tablespoonful of dough for the plural of cup cake paper-lined muffin 24. Place 1 cup of cream cheese mixture over batter in each. Place 1 cup cherry pie filling over cream cheese. Cover with remaining cake batter. Bake at 350 degrees F for about 25 minutes. Please to cool 5 minutes before transferring to wire rack to cool completely cupcake. Top with cherry pie filling and spoon the whipped cream. Cool until it is time to provide.

Monday, November 7, 2011

0 What grains and legumes are good for you?

What's most important about this list of grains and legumes is that you eat them “whole” not processed. That's why brown rice is good for you and white rice is just a starch with some vitamins. If you buy oats, buy old-fashioned rolled oats, not instant oats. Whole-wheat can be good for you, but it has to be “whole” not processed – no white bread, no white-wheat bread, etc. Corn and peas are very good for you, but remember to eat them as your starch, not as your vegetable.

If you suffer from Celiac disease you can make pancakes from buckwheat, you can also eat brown rice, quinoa and millet. People that have Celiac disease should also be able to eat barley and oats, add them one at a time to your diet once you have it under control to make sure that you don't have a reaction to them.

Barley: High fiber, selenium, copper, tryptophan and niacin – good for the heart and colon, may lower your risk of diabetes and atherosclerosis.

Black beans: High in protein, fiber and phytonutrients – good for the colon, lowers your risk of diabetes, heart disease and some cancers.

Brown rice: High in manganese, selenium, magnesium, tryptophan and fiber – helps lower cholesterol and high blood pressure, it reduces your risk of diabetes, heart attack and stroke, may help people with migraines.

Buckwheat: High in phytonutients, manganese, tryptophan and fiber – good for the heart, protects against diabetes, helps prevent gallstones, may help prevent breast cancer and does not contain gluten so it can be eaten by those with Celiac disease

Chickpeas: High in molybdenum, manganese, folate, fiber, tryptophan, protein, copper, phosphorous and iron – lowers risk of heart disease, diabetes, is good for the colon and makes you feel more full.

Corn: High in antioxidants, thiamin, folate, fiber, vitamin C, phosphorous, manganese and vitamin B5 – may help lower blood pressure, good for the heart, digestion and regulating blood sugar levels.

Lentils: Contains protein, molybdenum, folate, fiber, tryptophan, manganese, iron, phosphorous, copper, potassium and thiamin – helps lower cholesterol, reduces risk of diabetes, helps prevent diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome, good for your heart, muscles and sexual health.

Millet: High in manganese, tryptophan, magnesium and phosphorus – good for the heart, tissues, bones and may reduce your risk of diabetes and breast cancer.

Oats: High in manganese, selenium, tryptophan, phosphorous, thiamin, magnesium, protein and fiber – good for the heart and colon, lowers cholesterol, helps stabilize blood sugar, lowers risk of diabetes.

Peanuts: High in antioxidants, manganese, tryptophan, niacin, folate, copper and protein – good for your heart, reduces your risk of stroke, prevents gallstones, helps you lose weight and may help prevent Alzheimer's.

Peas: High in vitamin K, manganese, vitamin C, fiber, thiamin, folate, vitamin A, tryptophan, phosphorous, vitamins B2, B3 and B6, magnesium, protein, copper, iron, zinc and potassium – good for your heart, promotes blood sugar regulation, protects against stomach cancer.

Quinoa: Contains proteins and all nine essential amino acids, high in manganese, magnesium, iron, trytophan, copper and phosphorus – good for muscle health and is especially good for migraines, diabetes and atherosclerosis.

Rye: High in manganese, fiber, selenium, tryptophan, phosphorous, magnesium and protein – helps promote weight loss and gall stones, lowers risk of diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

Spelt: High in manganese, fiber, phosphorous, niacin, magnesium, protein and copper – reduces risk of atherosclerosis, helps prevent heart disease, diabetes, gallstones and breast cancer.

Tofu (while technically is not a legume, it is made from soybeans which are legumes): Contains protein, tryptophan, manganese, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, copper, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, amino acids and isoflavone – good for muscles

Whole-wheat: High in manganese, fiber, tryptophan and magnesium – helps promote weight loss and colon health, prevents diabetes and gallstones, lessens chronic inflammation and reduces risk of breast cancer.
Buckwheat Pancakes
1 c buckwheat flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 Tbl sugar
½ tsp salt
1 egg, beaten
1 c milk
2 Tbl melted butter

Mix dry ingredients together. Add egg, milk and butter, mixing well after each ingredient. Pour ¼ cup onto hot, lightly greased griddle or skillet. Cook until top bubbles and edges look dry, turn over and cook until golden brown. Makes 4 pancakes/4 servings.

Nutritional Data for Buckwheat Pancakes
Calories 207
Fat 7 g
Carbohydrates 31 g
Protein 7 g

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Friday, November 4, 2011

0 Delicious Black Forest Cake - How To Make It ?

When you prepare the cake, not mean that you have to compromise on taste can be made even more delicious cakes you rather be at home.

To make a tasty and delicious Black Forest cake at home, please follow the steps below.

Prepare the sponge cake

• May mix plain flour and gram year and a half teaspoon (tsp) of baking powder, 150 grams a quarter of a cup and soda bi carbonate.
Mix these three ingredients in your hand D •.
• In another container, 3 tablespoons butter (tablespoon), 200 g condensed milk (Milk Maid), and mix 1 tsp vanilla essence.
About 5 minutes •, and beat them well, dry mix the contents.
Mix them well •, drinking soda and water is added, depending on the consistency of cake. It should have a consistent flow.
Pour the mixture into a greased tin after tin of aluminum and one that grease •.
Bake a cake at 180 degrees Celsius to about 30-40 minutes •.
• The sponge cake is ready.

Prepare the icing in the Black Forest cake

Cut the sponge cake horizontally into three layers • 2.
• Whisk in cream beater often.
To cover it with cream and one layer of cake slices placement •.
Beyond the grated chocolate and cherries some place •.
And then place another layer on top of it •, covering the cream again.
Grated chocolate you •, chocolate chips, cherries, the final coating can be decorate with beads and silver.
You might also like pumpkin pie cake
More information about chocolate cake

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

0 How to Make Pumpkin Pie Cake ? Pumpkin Pie Cake Recipe

How to Make Pumpkin Pie Cake ? Pumpkin Pie Cake Recipe. Some people are not facts at all this, to make a pumpkin pie cake may seem very difficult. The original pumpkin pie, pumpkin pie bar, pie and pumpkin cheesecake and pumpkin pie cake gingersnap cookie crust, in order to prepare a recipe for pumpkin pie, some delicious and easy.

Try them today so that you, the recipe below is as follows.

1. The original pumpkin pie


- 3 eggs, slightly beaten
- 2 cups pumpkin
- 1 / 2 cup granulated sugar
- 1 / 2 cup brown sugar
- 1 / 2 cup corn syrup
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- Cup 1 / 2 of cinnamon
- Tsp 1 / 2 nutmeg
- Tsp 1 / 2 of ginger
- Tsp 1 / 2 of ground cloves


- In a mixer or blender, mix above ingredients can.
- Poured into the skin of Puripeadopai, 350 ℃ bake about 40 minutes.

two make a pie.

2. The Pumpkin Pie Bars


- Yellow cake mix 1 (. 18 1 / 2 ounce) box
- 1 / 2 cup butter or margarine, melted 4 eggs
- 1 (30 ounce) cans solid-pack pumpkin (3 cups)
- 1 cup sugar, divided
- 1 / 2 cup light brown sugar (firmly packed)
- 2 / 3 cup evaporated milk
- Cup 1 / 2 of cinnamon
- 1 / 2 cup chopped walnuts
- 1 / 4 cup butter or margarine, softened


- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- 13 × 9 baking pan of grease and flour .
Land; - Remove 1 cup cake mix.
- In a small bowl, lightly beat the egg. A large bowl, mix remaining cake, beat the egg and melted butter.
- Puripeadopan press. In a large bowl, lightly beat the remaining 3 eggs.
- Pumpkin, 1 / 2 cup of sugar, stir-fried with brown sugar, evaporated milk and cinnamon.
- Pour the mixture over the cake pan.
- 1 cup cake mix, 1 / 2 cup of remaining sugar, softened butter and add the walnuts and mix until crumbly.
- Sprinkle over pumpkin mixture.
- Oven for 50-60 minutes.

Serve warm or cold.

3. Pumpkin Pie Cake


- 4 eggs
- 1 / 4 cup of sugar
- Large cans evaporated milk 1
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 can pumpkin (No. 303)


- Mix above ingredients and pour into a 13 × 9 pan ungreased .
- Sprinkled on top of this layer: 1 package yellow cake mix 1 stick oleo, melted 1 cup chopped nuts.
- About 1 hour until a knife or anything about XDarwin at 350 degrees.
- Serve plain or with whipped cream topping.

4. And pumpkin pie cheesecake gingersnap cookie crust


- 1 / 2 cup pecans
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- Ginger 1 cup bread crumbs (about 20 cookies)
- 5 cups unsalted butter, melted
- Cream cheese, 1 pound room temperature
- 2 / 3 cup brown sugar, packed
- 1 / 2 cup sour cream, at room temperature
- Canned 1 cup solid pack pumpkin
- 3 eggs, at room temperature
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- Pinch of ground cloves
- Pinch of ground ginger
- Half of the pecans for garnish,


- Oven oven to 325 degrees.
- 20 seconds, put the sugar and 1 / 2 cup pecans in a food processor and process until finely chopped.
- Pour into a large bowl, mix crumbs and add the ginger.
- Pour in the butter and mix well together.
- Turn the mixture into 10 inch pie plate, to form a crust, please press evenly against bottom and sides.
- Bake for 10 minutes. Set aside to cool. (Leave oven on.)
- A large bowl, soften, beat cream cheese and brown sugar until well blended.
- Fried pumpkin and sour cream.
- Time and gradually cinnamon, cloves, and ginger, one egg broke.
- Filling and pour into pie dish on a baking sheet in place.
- Or until filling is set for 45 minutes and bake in middle of oven.
- A rack to cool.
- Place a pecan half around the rim of the pie.

more information about cake ideas
get more recipes from here

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

0 Home made cranberry granola bars or cereal...

So, you've probably read my cereal recipe, as I mentioned there when making the cereal you can use granola from the bulk bins or make your own. Well, now you can learn how to make your own. You can use this recipe to make bars or cereal – your choice. Remember, just like all recipes use this as a guide, get creative or change the ingredients to include what you like best – I love cranberries, so that's what's in this recipe.

Home made cranberry granola
3 c rolled oats
1 c sliced almonds
1 c shredded unsweetened coconut
1 c dried cranberries (don't buy the ones with sugar added)
½ c shelled pumpkin seeds
¼ c sunflower seeds
1 ½ tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ginger
½ tsp nutmeg
6 Tbl butter
1/3 c honey or maple syrup
2/3 c brown sugar
½ tsp salt
2 tsp vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Mix oats, almonds, coconut, cranberries, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds in a large bowl. Heat butter, brown sugar and honey in a small saucepan until butter is melted. Remove from heat, stir in cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, salt and vanilla. Pour hot liquid over dry ingredients and mix well with a spatula or wooden spoon until the dry ingredients are evenly moist. Line a cookie sheet with a Silpat or wax paper, pour mixture onto cookie sheet. Press firmly and evenly until granola is about ½ inch. Bake for about 35 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove from oven, while still soft cut into bar shapes – but do not remove until completely cool. Or cool completely and break into small pieces for cereal. Store in air tight containers or bags for up to two weeks.  Serves 10-12

Nutritional Data for Cranberry Granola
Calories 474
Total Fat 29 g
     Saturated Fat 16 g
     Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 15 mg
Sodium 151 mg
Total Carbohydrates 50 g
     Dietary Fiber 8 g
     Sugars 28 g
Protein 9 g
Vitamin A 4%
Vitamin C 1%
Calcium 7%
Iron 18%

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